New Years in Thai paradise

On December 26th I took a flight from Jaipur, India to Phuket in Thailand, making a stop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. At the airport I met my very good friend Ilya with whom I’d stay for the next 3 weeks. In some way I started and finished this trip with the same people, as I met Ilya and Vika also in Saint Petersburg, back in July, in the first city I visited.

This was my second time in Phuket and really enjoyed it. After the chaotic India, in Thailand I was able to rest, enjoy the confort of a nice apartment , impressive beaches and the warm of being with friends 24/7 after so many cities where I was just by myself.

Ilya and Vika setup a photography entrepreneurship here for which he was going to the beach every day to shoot different people. A couple times he asked me to go with him and help as English – Russian translator, which was a very nice experience.

New Years eve approached and on Dec 31st we took a 2 hour boat to Phi Phi island, a place usually known for the movie “The Beach”, where we would spent 2 nights. We received the New Year at the beach, the island was full of tourists from everywhere and so there were very good vibes. I danced in the beach until about 9 am in the morning. In the next day we went to a beach on the other side of the island called Monkey Beach which you can reach only by boat, so we rented a couple kayaks and rowed to there, it was very interesting seeing the beach was in fact full of monkeys trying to steal people’s stuff, mainly food.

Back to Phuket I continued working on the transcription of the milonga piece I composed while in Russia but I reached a point where it doesn’t make much sense to continue without the help of an instrument as it slows me down.

So I still have a couple more days here before finally heading back home. A couple from Irkutsk I met on September are coming tomorrow to Phuket so that’s very good news, we already planned to spend the day together.

I’ll miss Phuket when I’m back to winter, here it is mostly sunny and about 30 degrees, but a lot of work awaits in Barcelona to prepare for the rest of the year!

Copyright © 2017 Iván Solomonoff